Train Smarter and Learn Faster
A Shooting Timer That's Easy to Use, Affordable and Fun.. Mod Shot!
Free Shipping & Free Returns
Great for Steel Challenge Speed Shooting, SCSA, USPSA, IPSC, IDPA and 3-Gun Matches!
Includes Belt Clip, Backlit Display & Loud Buzzer!
Make the Range Fun Again!
Satisfaction Guaranteed - Free Returns - Hassle Free

Upgrade Your Skill Set!
Quickly Gain an accurate understanding of your current performance level.
With Mod Shot, you can now track, record, and improve your overall shooting performance.
Easily measure your First Shot Times, Split Times and Overall Times.
Adjustable Part Times allow for a variety of different training exercises.
Take Training to the Next Level
Add the Element of Time!
Push your limits and expose your weaknesses as a shooter.
Whether you're a competitive shooter, law enforcement officer, military or amateur, knowing your weaknesses and improving them is vital.
With practice and dedication you can achieve the highly coveted sub-second Draw Time!
Choose from four different buzzer modes
Delay Buzzer Mode: After pressing GO, a randomized 2.5-3 second countdown delay will commence before the buzzer goes off.
Instant Buzzer Mode: After pressing GO, the buzzer will sound immediately and start timing.
Delay + Par Mode: After pressing GO, a randomized 2.5-3 second countdown delay will commence before the buzzer goes off. After the Delay, the buzzer will go off. After the Par Time has elapsed, the buzzer will sound again.
Instant + Par Mode: After Pressing GO, the buzzer will sound immediately and start timing. After the Par Time has elapsed, the buzzer will sound again.


Bright Backlit Screen for Easy Reading, Anytime, Anywhere.
Ultra Loud Buzzer and Ergonomic Design. Easily Heard & Easily Held.

Adjust Sensitivity to Perfection. Pick up on .22s and Even Silencers.


"This has been a great way to practice on my skills and it’s also super fun to use when you go out with friends to see who is the fastest."
-Jack M.

"I recommend!! I use the timer for shooting range drills. Good build quality and backlit display makes everything easy to read.👍"
- Sandi

"A must have! You can set an initial beep and then a second beep a couple seconds later if you want to test your speed on reloads."

Key Features
